Friday, March 16, 2012

13 Months

When I was deciding to get Sisterlocks, and even after I already had them, I feverishly searched for every site/blog that I could find.  I had to know what my locks would look like at every stage.  For all you ladies curious about month 13, here are some pics:
I curled my locks with a curling iron-- turned out super cute!!

A couple days after curling my locks-- as you see, the curls don't last.

Texture shot; side note: I took the tightening class and did my own head a couple weeks before this pic.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics, the texture and length is similar to mine. Love your hair, started retightining my hair also and i am happy to say, it turns out pretty good. Does the heat from the curling iron not damage your hair? Also if you can post on your hair washing products, as i am having difficulty find the right product for my hair. I would post pictures to my blog of my current hair
