Friday, March 16, 2012

13 Months

When I was deciding to get Sisterlocks, and even after I already had them, I feverishly searched for every site/blog that I could find.  I had to know what my locks would look like at every stage.  For all you ladies curious about month 13, here are some pics:
I curled my locks with a curling iron-- turned out super cute!!

A couple days after curling my locks-- as you see, the curls don't last.

Texture shot; side note: I took the tightening class and did my own head a couple weeks before this pic.

Friday, February 17, 2012

One Year Sisterlock LOCKSIVERSARY

I'm back! I know I haven't posted in over 7 months, not because I didn't want to post, but I wasn't feeling inspired.  I was so stuck in this torturous world called medical school that I almost forgot that I was once a person that existed outside of the confines of the library, whose life did not revolve around this aspiration of being a doctor.  Of course at the end of it all, I love this challenge that I have set before myself, but as with anything in life, no one aspect of one's life can be all-encapsulating or all-fulfilling.  But a few months ago, in the midst of memorizing the cranial nerves and instilling in my mind that the "lub" of the heart's characteristic "lub-dub" sound was due to the closing of the atrioventricular valves, I kinda lost all sense

However, one day, I was looking at myself in the mirror, and I remembered: I  love my hair!  I love my sisterlocks and I love reading about other people who love sisterlocks, too!  And then I started looking at my old favorite blogs like Blaqkofi's, Kreyola's, Nicole is the New Black,  and I started finding new one's such as CurlyNuGrowthNaturalNikkiDST's, and Terez. These beautiful ladies inspired me to take a good look in the mirror again, after which I realized that my hair GREW!  It was long enough to style and I can finally have FUN with it!  It soon dawned on me  that February 17th was rapidly approaching, and that meant it was my LOCKSIVERSARY!  

All this to say, as ridiculous as this may sound, sisterlocks helped me find my way back

Enough talk.  Here are pic's of what you've missed:
12 months sisterlocked, braid-out pinned back

11 months sisterlocked, freshly retightened

11 months sisterlocked, braid-out half "ponytail", if you wanna call it that

10 months sisterlocked, in the company of my fellow beautiful future doctors of color
9 months sisterlocked, at my white coat ceremony!!!
8 months sisterlocked, pretending to be a model at the beach... lol

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

3 month Update


I know it's been a while since I posted!  Much has happened over the last month and a half.  I decided to stay in the city for medical school! I'm super excited and scared and nervous and anxious all at once.

My sisterlocks have been holding up pretty well.  All I've been doing is washing with the Sisterlocks Starter Shampoo every 1-2 weems, which I honestly hate, but I understand is a necessary evil.  I hate that the shampoo has no smell, has no moisture, and leaves my hair and scalp feeling super dry.  However,  I definitely can see that my hair is starting to lock, especially in the back.  I'm counting down until August, when I can hopefully graduate from the starter shampoo to other shampoos and conditioners.

I haven't done much with styling either.  Since I have the last summer off until medical school starts, I'm going to try and style my hair and see what results!!!  My hair is still pretty short, which sort of limits my styling options though.

Anyway, enough talk! On to pics:

Fab sisters, me, and almost 3 month old sisterlocks.   My oldest sis (middle) is highly considering sisterlocks and will be monitoring mine closely.

Me, my "niecey-poo", and just over 3 month old sisterlocks.  One of my favorite pics of all time.  My hair is growing, too :-)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Simply Sad

So I'm sad for many reasons.  I'm sad because my program is ending, and my good friends and I will be parting ways.  I am sad because I still don't know what medical school I am going to choose, and I am no closer to making a decision.  I guess I feel like I'm in limbo.  I'm sad that my Seattle high has vanished, and I've returned to reality. I'm sad because I feel like I've regressed, like all the progress I've made from a insecure fourteen-year-old to a confident twenty-something year was for naught.  I'm sad because I feel like I'm going through adolescence...again!  I'm sad because I feel lonely sometimes, and even though its been almost a year, I still miss him.  I'm sad that his absence still makes me sad. I'm sad because I've lost faith... sigh.

Hopefully I'll cheer up soon, and get out of this funk and count my blessings!!!  Until then, here's a pic of me, my sisterlocks, and three my besties:

Please click on the picture to see a clearer pic of the locs!!! (Just realized these pics were taken at the 2 month mark :-))

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sense, re-sense, and multisensical wonders

I went to Seattle confused, unenthusiastic, unmotivated, and unhappy.  I left Seattle inspired, at peace with myself, invigorated, and probably even more confused, lol.  I guess I learned that (1) I'm only 23 and I have a whole exciting life ahead (2) I WANT to be a doctor, and I think I'll be a darn good one too (3) No one but me defines my happiness (4) I do have the ability to love again, but I must never let "love" make me forget numbers 1-3.

How'd I learn all this?  Well, for one escaping the environment that made me feel unmotivated and unenthusiastic helped.  Being at a conference surrounded by brilliant leaders in medicine was inspirational.  Having a roommate with an exceptional life story helped put my own life in perspective.  And experiencing my first real crush post-ex bf was... I can't put it into words.  According to a new friend, in Seattle I experienced, "sense, re-sense, and multisensical wonders."

But you guys care about sisterlocks! So here are some pics:

P.S. Welcome new subscribers!!! :-)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sisterlocks, waitlists, and other meandering thoughts

Hello all!!!  Thanks for the two new suscribers! It was getting kinda lonely blogging to my one follower (who happens to be my ex and probably forgot that he is even following this blog, lol).    So it was my original intent to blog more often, but the problem is, my life is so boring that I don't do anything that requires me to take pretty dolled up pictures of my locks.  But this past weekend I finally went out with my sis and her friends and I have pics of my sisterlocks 1 month in... yay!!!

So I had my hair re-tightened about 1.5 weeks before these pics were taken.  I had them re-tightened so soon because I had my followup mini re-tightening session:

Other than that I have some major decisions to make over the next few months.  I have to choose which med school to go to!  I have to see if I can get into one of these schools on which I have been placed on the waitlist ... I have to find myself before my new journey begins!!!!  So much to do so little time :-)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

My Sisterlocks Debut

Hello all!  My sisterlocks were born last Thursday morning at 2:00 a.m.  After 16 hours of marvelous work done by my consultant, I am officially apart of the network of sisterlocked sistahs.  I must say I love them!!! They are so, "me".  I just wake up, fluff up my hair, and its all set!  The only negative that I've experienced this week is dry itchy scalp, which I hope will go away once my scalp gets used to producing its own oils.  I am willing myself not to put any products in my hair.

Well enough talk! Here are the pics: